Case Family

“We are so thankful for Maplewood Farms for our Merry girl! We started our puppy search almost a year after losing our Roxy. Top requirements on our list were an active dog, easily trainable, fits in well with our other 2 and a potential running mate- Merry has fulfilled all requirements and beyond. From the first day we brought her home, she’s been fearless and run laps around all of us except for when it’s time to relax. The only thing this girl loves more than going on adventures outside is a good meal followed by a cuddle on the couch.

Sherry made the whole process so easy and she was so responsive to our multiple questions. She even met us halfway so we wouldn’t have to travel out of the state. She still checks in with the litter via the FB page! You couldn’t ask for a better breeder to work with, especially with us being new to the collie breed.

Merry has been a great addition to our household. We can’t wait for her to grow and start getting her paws dirty during our trail runs!”

Giller Family

“We got to visit our puppy when he was 2.5 weeks old. We were smitten.
Throughout the (what felt like) long wait, Sherry would send stills and videos of the litter and individual pups. There was no shortage of details regarding how and what they were eating, routines that were taught, and the personalities of the puppies. Those weeks leading up to pick up day were filled with talk about our new puppy to be. Sherry continued to feed that excitement with news about the puppies. On pick up day, I got to hold Nick (again) and bring him home. We have a super healthy wonderful puppy. I am thankful beyond words of the gift that Sherry bestowed upon me. I love having Nick. I can not imagine life without him.”

Jabobs Family

“Martha is doing really great, is very sweet and cuddly and taking well to training. We wanted to thank you for all the time you put in. She is doing really well with bathroom stuff, haven’t had an accident yet. Thank again for everything and we will let you know how it goes in the city.”

Wood Family


“Loving this sweet girl! Marge is a delight. She comes 99% of the time, with just a whistle, rings the bell to go outside, sits and lays down. She is so smart. We feel so grateful we got her!”

“Quincy is the perfect pup. He is so well behaved. My boys can’t get over how smart he is!!! He reasons and uses logic to figure things out. It is amazing! He understands when you speak to him. VERY intelligent.”

Alexander FamiLY

“Preacher was golden on the trip home. Not one accident, went perfectly when we stopped. He is learning his name super quick. I can tell already how smart he is. Still working on training him to go to the door, but that might take time. He has never gone in his crate!!”

Pogue FamiLY

“Our pup has been perfect! She is great! She walked a mile with me today! She is my sidekick and she loves a job! Please let me know when the next litter gets here. My whole family is so excited about Byrdie.”

Hogg FamiLY

“Kestra is amazing!! Thank you! No accidents, slept almost the whole way home and then almost all night. Thank you for all you have done! I’m starting to understand why you call her “wild thing.” What a wonderful special pup she is! I can’t thank you enough, she is the best!